My Experience
I have been volunteering since I was a kid. In my local community I served as a kids club leader, helped at our local community center, played in my church band, worked in the church sound booth, and volunteered for the food pantry. In college I have organized volunteering, led fundraisers, and taught students about the water crisis and engineering. Over the past eight years, I have also spent a lot of time volunteering in Kenya and Ukraine.
I’ve been to Kenya three times since 2012. On my last trip, I stayed in Kenya for about a month. While over there, I have encouraged public school students, helped distribute school supplies, taught trumpet, played in a band for communities and churches, led kids clubs, and celebrated the completion of water systems. Here is a video of my second trip to Kenya.
I have been in Ukraine three times so far. The first trip, I met with church leaders and discussed kids outreach. The second and third trips, I spent most of the time at English camp. I helped create English lessons, led all camp meetings, led a cabin of campers, helped kids with their conversational English, and gathered photos and videos. This video I created includes a good look into my second trip.